On Saturday June 24th, I was riding my bike with my boyfriend when I saw this guy wearing this amazing T shirt ! : « I'm sorry to bother you but you look really fu***ng good. » This affirmation made me smile, not because I particularly needed to read it, but it reminded me all the work I've made to finally accept and love my body.
I think High school was the most complicated period for me. At this age, I was really uncomfortable with my whole body. Actually, to be totally honest, I didn't like myself at all. That was awful, I couldn't look at me in the mirror without denigrate myself. I felt like all females were prettier than me and like nobody will never be interested by me. So most of the time, I was the funny girl, you know, that one who hides her unhapiness behind pretty smiles and jokes. Anyway, I was a mess and I'm not ashamed to admit it because this is part of my story.